The whale rubber stamps on this page represent different types of whales, each with their own characteristics and appearance. Each of the rubber stamps on this page are mounted on a block for ease in stamping, and each requires a separate source of ink, such as an ink pad.
Humpback Whale Rubber Stamps
Humpback whales are very dramatic when they breach, as is shown in one of the rubber stamps in this group, but they are spectacular animals no matter what the view of them. Humpbacks live about fifty years, and they sing songs that can last up to about thirty minutes.
Whale Rubber Stamp, Alaska, Humpback Whale, SmallHumpback Whale Heart Love Rubber Stamps custom stamps rubber Rubber Stamps custom stamps rubber
Humpback Whale (Baleen) Rubber Stamp
Humpback Whale Rubber Stamp, Whale Breaching Water
Hump Day Rubber Stamp, Alaska Style, Humpback Whale
Sperm Whale Rubber Stamps
Sperm whales have the largest brain in the animal kingdom, which weighs about twenty pounds on its own. Oil from the sperm whale's body was a sought-after commodity in times past, and sperm whales were frequently hunted for this oil.
Sperm Whale Rubber StampSperm Whale Rubber Stamp Marine
Beluga Whale Rubber Stamps
The Beluga whale has a whitish appearance. Belugas are adapted for life in the Arctic. They live in small pods of up to ten or so individuals.
Beluga Whale Rubber Stamp, Marine WildlifeBeluga Whale Rubber Stamp, Marine Wildlife
Orca Rubber Stamps - Also Known As Killer Whale Rubber Stamps
It may surprise some people to know that orcas, or killer whales, are not really whales at all. The orca belongs to the family of dolphins. A black stamp pad is perfect for these rubber stamps, since the actual animal has very dramatic black and white coloring in real life.
Killer Whale Rubber Stamp, Orca, Blackfish, Marine WildlifeKiller Whale Rubber Stamp, Orca, Blackfish, Toothed
Orca Rubber Stamps wood stamps rubber Stamps rubber-stamp
Killer Whale Rubber Stamp
Related: Animal Rubber Stamps | Whale Gifts
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